The next Göttingen Neural Networking Day is postponed. It will take place “after COVID”.
Past Events:
Place: Prandtl-Lecture-Hall, Am Fassberg (Canteen Building)
Date: December 17th 2019, starting at 12:00
Registration is free of charge. Please register before Tuesday, December 10th, so that we can order the food accordingly, and please consider to bring a poster!
Register here
11:30 Registration & Poster Setup
12:00 Opening
12:10 Alexander Ecker – Campus Institute Data Science
title tba
12:45 Lunch Break & Poster
14:00 Caspar Schwiedrzik – European Neuroscience Institute
Neural circuits for perceptual predictions
14:30 Patapia Zafeiriou – Inst. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UMG
In vitro organogenesis from human iPS cells:
Brain and heart in a dish
15:00 Silvio Rizzoli – Dept. of Neuro- and Sensory Physiology, UMG
Quantifying synaptic organization, one molecule at a time
15:30 Coffee & Cookies & Poster
16:00 Special Session: Meet the Speakers in Small Groups
16:30 Poster Session & Drinks & Food
19:00 Joint Evening Lecture – tba
We want to provide a meeting place for all members of the rich and diverse neuroscience community in Göttingen. We provide the location, poster boards, food and drinks, you bring your science and your questions. Everyone is welcome, those who work on neural systems, and those with a keen interest. We are looking forward to meeting you for the featured talks and for ample discussions between the posters on Fassberg on Tuesday, 17th of December!